Get ready to take a look at the original, official Chex Quest web site!

A matter of months ago, a Chex fan found some printouts of the original Chex Quest web site. Using those as a base, I am attempting to restore and enhance the original Chex Quest web site. The "Restored Version" is identical in content to the scans, except that it can be navigated like a web site and has some full-color pictures identical to the originals. Because only the FAQ and Bios were in the printouts, the Restored Version includes only those. The "Enhanced Version," on the other hand, corrects the countless spelling/grammar errors and discrepancies, and enhanced the overall reading, look, and reliability of the site. The "Updated and Enhanced Version", built off of the Enhanced Version, adds modern information such as details regarding the official Chex Quest 3 and Boingo's The Ultimate Chex Quest.